HQ near Santa Cruz in California, the Joby team has been steadily working toward our goal of providing safe, short-hop, fully electric air transportation that is accessible to everyone. Imagine an air taxi that takes off vertically, then quietly and quickly carries you over the congestion below, giving you back that time you'd otherwise spend sitting in traffic. Technology has advanced to the point where designing and operating an all-electric aircraft is completely viable.
While we are growing quickly, we are exceptionally selective in whom we hire. Your passion and ability should be demonstrated in your professional and academic achievements. You should be curious, driven, and devoted to your area of excellence. We look for candidates with both raw intellect and an exceptional ability to execute. We live for results, employ hierarchy only to enhance efficiency, and deplore bureaucracy.
我們的團隊在過去幾年以驚人的速度擴大,但并不代表我們對人才的要求有所降低,反而有點“吹毛求疵”。我們希望你對工作充滿熱情并且樂于學習,你應該充滿好奇、積極進取、并專注于工作上所擅長的領域。希望有天賦且 執(zhí)行力能力強的你能加入我們年輕有活力的團隊。我們尊崇機會均等而非結果均等,我們樂于聽到每個人提出有建設性的觀點,為改善人類未來的交通而不懈努力!